Delivery within 1-3 days | 20.000+ Happy Customers | 245.000+ Saved Plastic Tubes
In 2023, everything around us is becoming more sustainable! Unfortunately, the traditional oral care industry is lagging far behind in terms of sustainability…
Why? Because it is dominated by big players who prioritize financial gain instead of taking responsibility and protecting our planet!
David vs Goliath – At CHOOSE!, we are taking on the sustainable battle as the small David against the giant Goliath. Just like Goliath, the traditional oral care industry relies on its size and power, stuck in old habits like plastic toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.
The Problem – Every year, over 1.5 billion plastic toothpaste tubes with 5 to 20% leftover toothpaste (often containing unnecessary chemicals) end up in the ocean. This non-biodegradable plastic waste has severe consequences for the environment and marine life!
Back to the biblical story – It’s not about the size of Goliath, but about the strength and tension of David’s sling. With CHOOSE!, we create that strength by offering a sustainable and affordable alternative to toothpaste in plastic tubes!
That’s where CHOOSE Paste comes in – Excellent toothpaste in a tablet form, without plastic waste and unnecessary chemicals. Chew, brush, and feel it foam into responsible toothpaste!
In addition to the power of our product, we need the right tension for the sling to defeat the mighty Goliath. We believe that we can only create this tension with your massive support!
With over 15,000 happy customers in Europe, we are on the right track, but we still have a long way to go.
Join our CHOOSE! community now and brush plastic-free with CHOOSE Paste every day!